If surveys were dollar bills, I could afford health insurance.
Read MoreIt’s possible I’m seeing some human characteristics in my iPhone, but only because she has them. I press the button, and asked, “Siri, are you human?” She says, “Close enough.”
Read MoreI didn’t report the car because I thought someone was getting away with a parking violation; I reported it because I thought someone was getting away with murder.
Read MoreI once ordered antivirus software from a particular company. As it turned out, it would have been easier and more pleasant to have a virus.
Read MoreI was planning to write an insightful and informative post on the subject of gasbags, being well-acquainted with many and having been called one myself on more than one occasion. But once again, being insightful and informative proved to be too much for me.
Read MoreThere’s a race to the bottom on Facebook and, while I normally don’t do well in races, I could win this one if I choose to participate.
Read MoreFifty years ago, astronauts traveled to the moon, changing America forever and inspiring one of the most often-quoted sentences ever spoken: If they can put a man on the moon, why can’t they cure the common cold?
Read MoreMy friend “Martha” tells me she wants to lose 20 pounds and get a really nice tan—by Friday. It’s Wednesday.
Read MoreI’m always intrigued by headlines that promise to address life’s big issues, for example, “Why you can’t tickle yourself,” “Why do we have eyebrows” and “How to stop wasting time.”
Read MoreTime management experts advise us to break big jobs it into small tasks. In other words, if you don't have time to read the whole book, read the last page. If you don't have time to wash all the dishes, wash a bowl and a spoon for your ice cream. (Or eat out of the carton.)
Read MoreI don’t know how you find a needle in a haystack, but I do know how you find one in a carpet. You walk around in stockinged feet for a while; that’s how.
Read MoreFacebook brings to mind that old adage, “There are no strangers here, only friends you have not met yet.”Facebook brings to mind that old adage, “There are no strangers here, only friends you have not met yet.”
Read MoreThere are food words that go together—roast and beef, scrambled and eggs. But gelatinous and fish aren’t two of them.
Read MoreI’m inspired on this Valentine’s Day to consider the many ways technology has made romance more efficient, if not more romantic.
Read MoreFeeling a little let down after a busy holiday season? Cheer up. You still have Lumpy Rug Day to look forward to.
Read MoreI’m a nice person—mostly. Ask anyone who knows me. Except my family. Don’t ask them.
Read MoreAh, the holiday season; a joyous time for families to come together, create new traditions, and fight about the old ones.
Read MoreThere’s a turkey the size of Plymouth Rock thawing in my refrigerator when I stumble across the following startling statistic on the internet.
Read MoreThe sky is blue, the air is fresh, and the colors are changing. The year is drawing to a close, and there is ample time to reflect—while you rake
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