Who Is Dorothy Rosby?
“It was my experience as a humorous speaker that led me to begin writing humor almost thirty years ago. I won several humorous speaking competitions in Toastmasters, an international organization where members practice their speaking skills in local clubs. And in 1996, I reformatted some of my speeches and submitted them to my local newspaper. The editor agreed to take me on as a humor columnist. Eventually I began marketing to other newspapers and my column now runs in small community newspapers throughout the West and Midwest. I also write a humor column for Black Hills Lifestyle Magazine.
My humor column has been recognized by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, the National Federation of Press Women and the South Dakota Newspaper Association. And in 2022, I was the global winner in the Erma Bombeck Writing Competition for humor writing.
I’m the author of four books of humorous essays:
I Used to Think I Was Not That Bad and Then I Got to Know Me Better
Alexa's a Spy and Other Things to Be Ticked off About: Humorous Essays on the Hassles of Our Time
‘Tis the Season to Feel Inadequate: Holidays, Special Occasions and Other Times Our Celebrations Get Out of Hand
I Didn't Know You Could Make Birthday Cake from Scratch: Parenting Blunders from Cradle to Empty Nest
Both Alexa and ‘Tis the Season won first place honors in the NFPW’s Communications Contest, Nonfiction Book for Adult Readers, Humor category in 2021 and 2023 respectively. Black Hills Community Theatre’s Well Done Players troupe has performed portions of my books from the stage three times. And I’ve been invited to read essays on South Dakota Public Radio over the past year.
I’m a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, Top 5 Toastmasters, Women’s Network of Rapid City and the Black Hills Storytellers which regularly performs at venues throughout the Black Hills.
I graduated from Augustana University in Sioux Falls with majors in Journalism and Communications and a minor in English. As a former public relations professional, I regularly taught both writing and public speaking workshops to staff members at Black Hills Works, a nonprofit where I worked for 31 years.”