Introducing one of my favorite humor writers: Tim Jones
Meet Tim Jones, one of the funniest humor writers I know.
As a humor writer for over 20 years, I enjoy quality humor writing from other writers. That’s why I thought you might like to know about a fellow humor writer I’ve known for several years. His name is Tim Jones. And if you like my humor writing, I am confident you'll also like reading Tim’s writing. He has been writing his View from the Bleachers humor blog for over 13 years. In 2020, he launched his own View from the Bleachers YouTube channel, featuring Tim providing his own video commentary and his uniquely twisted take on the challenges of life.
Tim has also written several hilarious books, including his newest book (just published) called THE SECRET TO SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS (is something I have never figured out – I’m open to suggestions).
I met Tim several years ago when the publisher of Humor Outcasts, an online humor website, interviewed us together, and we just immediately hit it off and became friends. I have been following Tim’s writing ever since. Tim’s work has appeared in several online publications and he’s a regular contributor to the national humor magazine Funny Times.
In his writing, Tim demonstrates a delightful, self-deprecating way of sharing his musings on the everyday challenges of life on a myriad of topics. Tim has written more than 500 humor articles and here are a few of my favorites:
Side-By-Side Comparison of the Roomba VS. The Timba
Flying Coach vs. Flying First Class
And in case you’d like to check out Tim’s YouTube channel, here’s a video of Tim in action to give you an idea: An Important Message From Your Cat.
If like me you need a few more laughs in this particularly difficult time we’re all going through, you might enjoy, Tim Jones. Check him out at And if you sign up for his weekly humor column, tell him you heard about him from me.
Dorothy Rosby